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Liz Grammas According to John Kimble, Gould's head freestyle coach, Elizabeth Grammas and her husband Corey are the parents of six snowsports athletes, several of whom have competed at the higher levels of the sport as part of the Gould Academy weekend program and as...
Steven Nyman, AJ Ginnis, and Alice Merryweather share their perspectives, experiences, and goals about mitigating the negative effect of pressure from ski racing via a moderated discussion. Follow the link below to watch this recording:...
My chin dropped against my helmet strap as I watched my 7-year-old daughter rip down the fall line in an athletic stance, ski edges tipping effectively, hands forward. This was the moment I dreamed about through all those missed ski days during pregnancy, those powder...
Julia Ford knows a thing or two about competition—both the up and downsides. As a 6-year member of the U.S. Ski Team, Ford started in 40 FIS World Cup races and was a member of the 2014 Olympic team, in Sochi, Russia. She hails from a ski racing family, honing her...
Olympic alpine ski racer and coach Julia Ford talks about the inspiration for forming Better & Faster Together and how to be a better competitor by lifting up teammates.